In the ever-evolving world of technology, Apple continues to push the boundaries of accessibility and convenience. With the introduction of iOS 17, the Cupertino giant unveils two groundbreaking features that will forever change the way we interact with our devices: Personal Voice and Live Speech. These innovations are designed to empower everyone, making it easier to create and securely store a replica of your voice for use in text communication on your iPhone or iPad.

    ios 17 personal voice setup

    The Power of Personal Voice

    Imagine saving your unique voice in just about an hour, a task that would traditionally take weeks and come at a hefty cost. Thanks to Apple’s Personal Voice, this dream has become a reality. Whether you have health conditions like ALS that affect your ability to speak or you’re a perfectly healthy individual, Personal Voice is a feature worth setting up. Think of it as free voice insurance – an investment in preserving your voice for the future.

    The process is surprisingly straightforward. You’ll be prompted to read a series of random sentences for a total of 15 minutes. Apple notes that it may take “around an hour” to complete the entire procedure, but the beauty lies in its flexibility. You can tackle it in chunks, starting and stopping whenever you need, with your progress seamlessly saved.

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    How to Set Up Personal Voice on Your iPhone

    Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up Personal Voice on your iPhone running iOS 17:

    1. Open the Settings App: Unlock your iPhone and locate the Settings app icon.
    2. Access the Accessibility Menu: Scroll down and tap on “Accessibility” from the list of options.
    3. Navigate to Speech Settings: Once in the Accessibility menu, scroll down again until you find the “Speech” section. Under this section, you’ll find “Personal Voice.” Tap on it.
    4. Initiate Personal Voice Setup: Tap on “Create a Personal Voice” to begin the setup process.
    5. Follow the Prompts: Ensure you’re in a quiet place, hold your iPhone approximately “about 6 inches from your mouth,” and speak naturally as you follow the prompts.
    6. Flexibility at Your Fingertips: Conveniently, you can start and pause the process at any time, returning to finish setting up Personal Voice whenever it suits you.
    7. Overnight Charging: If you encounter issues with the feature finishing processing, consider plugging in your iPhone overnight using a wired cable instead of relying on wireless charging.

    Personal Voice Customization and Beyond

    Once you’ve successfully set up Personal Voice, the possibilities expand further. You can choose to name your voice or use the default name, and you’ll perform a sound check to ensure everything sounds just right. The recording process will automatically move from one phrase to the next, simplifying the entire setup.

    Don’t worry if you need to take a break or make adjustments – simply tap “Done” in the top left corner to save your progress and return later. You can also navigate back to a previous phrase using the back arrow.

    But that’s not all; after setting up Personal Voice, you can enable Live Speech under “Settings” > “Accessibility” with a triple-click shortcut. This feature allows you to type-to-speak with FaceTime, Phone, and third-party apps that support assistive communication.

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    Explore Further

    For a more in-depth exploration of these exciting new features, we encourage you to check out our colleague Fernando’s detailed look at Personal Voice and Live Speech.

    Thank you for choosing us as your source for setting up Personal Voice on your iPhone. With this feature, Apple has once again demonstrated its commitment to inclusivity and innovation. Stay tuned for more iOS 17 tutorials and updates – we’re here to keep you informed and empowered.

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